Kinder Reese Blog

6 Morning Habits of Top Real Estate Agents

Written by NAEA | Jan 20, 2016 12:00:00 AM

We are what we repeatedly do.

Our bank accounts are a reflection of how we repeatedly make and spend money- same with our waistline. Success is not measured by a single action, but by a million little actions over time. Michael Phelps is one of the most successful Olympians of all time. He’s got 18 gold medals to show for it. Phelps became a record-smashing champion by forming a habit- swimming daily. Even on Sunday, when most of his competition was taking a stroll, he was out there finishing another grueling practice session. Our co-founders, Michael Reese, and Jay Kinder know the value of good habits. In their years of becoming the best in the real estate industry, they found there are six habits that set top agents apart from amateurs. These six habits will keep you swimming harder and longer while the rest of the competition is drowning. Michael and Jay knew they HAD to share this with other agents. In their best-selling book, The Miracle Morning For Real Estate Agents, they go in depth to each habit. We call them SAVERS because these habits are like lifeguards on duty. They will plunge into the icy water to save your business AND your life from mediocrity.

The 6 Morning Habits of Top Real Estate Agents

S: Silence

Most agents deal with something most professionals don’t. Complete and utter uncertainty. Uncertainty creates stress and stress destroy your ability to make sound decisions.How do I leave stress behind? Sit in silence. Silence will give you the clarity to see solutions in your business you wouldn’t be able to see in the haze of the morning hurry. Once you tap into the power of silence, you’re ready to fill up the empty bucket with a dose of positivity.

A: Affirmations

Affirmations are secret weapons for the uber-producers and super successful.There is a reason mega successful people, like Will Smith, Jim Carrey, and Oprah Winfrey are vocal about positive thinking. Every single one of us has an internal dialog running at all times.It’s time to change those “just not good enough's” into “I’m an unstoppable force!” Affirmations are programming your mind to pay attention to specific things! Jay and Michael crafted a special set of affirmations for real estate agents in The Morning Miracle for Real Estate Agents. After you craft strong affirmations, you can make the words come to life with a splash of visualization.

V: Visualization

Have you ever watched the Food Channel, and they start making your favorite comfort food? You can almost smell the aroma, and then your mouth starts watering.That’s the power of visualization.Most people just visualize the end result. However- there’s a missing piece! The trick to visualization is to imagine the next step towards the goal. You can’t just go from being in bed to standing in your office. There are many steps in between, getting dressed, driving on the expressway… each of these are as vital as the next to achieving the end goal. With the mind filled with pictures of what you want to create, you can juice up your body with a burst of movement.

E: Exercise

A quick hit of oxygen to your brain is way better than a quick hit of coffee. You read that correctly. Better than coffee! Billionaire and super successful entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson, said if you want to be more productive there are just two words you need to know. Work. Out! As soon as it’s “the eye of the tiger” in your living room, keep dialing up your success routine with a fresh stream of ideas.

R: Reading

Reading in the morning is like eating a hearty oatmeal for breakfast. A little goes a long way, and it will give you fuel for hours. Just 10 minutes of reading could give you your next breakthrough idea for your business. And, ideas need a container, or they are going to leak out. That’s where scribing comes in.

S: Scribing

Ideas are like clouds. We have to take a picture to remembers the exact details. If you have a great idea, you need to write it down, or it’ll blow away from you. Scribing, or journaling, will help you catch your best ideas and keep them all. Once you dial in your SAVERS, making them part of your daily routine, you AND your business will be all set up for success. By filling your morning with silence, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading and scribing you're going to be an entirely different person!  How many of you knew these habits… but are you doing them? That’s where relying on the expertise of your coach come in. Coaches make sure you’re staying on pace to reach your bigger goals. Learning what habits to form is a great way to start. The next step is applying them. The easiest and most efficient way of ensuring your success is working with a coach.