Kinder Reese Blog

Must Read Books for Real Estate Agents in 2016

Written by NAEA | Jan 19, 2016 8:00:00 PM

The old saying is true… you are what you eat.

And the same thing goes for your mind. Consume these top 12 must read books to crush your real estate goals this year. Look at it like this. You need to eat quality foods… leafy greens, vegetables, lean meats to feed your body. We get it. The struggle to eat healthy food is real - even for your mind. Netflix sounds really good after a long day at work, but if you go for a good book instead, your brain (and your bank account) will thank you. These 12 books are the perfect recipe of the best books to read (or re-read!) for 2016. And hey, make sure that you take a look at the NAEA Reading Calendar Below!


The Must Read Books for Real Estate Agents in 2016


First, add a dash of unrelenting optimism with… 

The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents by Hal Elrod, Michael Maher, Jay Kinder, and Michael Reese

Warning: ONLY read this book if you want your motivation to be lit on fire. If you are going to read ONE book all year long, this would be the one.This powerful book is co-written by the Co-founders of the National Association of Expert Advisors, Jay Kinder and Michael Reese. With The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents, you have four brilliant minds giving you top notch ideas for your real estate business in one book. The Miracle Morning combines story-telling with proven habits of success real estate agents. Plus, actionable self-improvement tricks from the top agents in real estate today. After mixing in The Miracle Morning For Real Estate Agents, whisk in a heaping tablespoon of Mindset...  


Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, Ph.D.

If you’re looking for the edge to master your mindset, this book is the place to start. Our Co-founder, Michael Reese, personally suggests this book to anyone in our office looking to up their game (especially at the beginning of the year!) Dr. Carol Dweck breaks mindset down into two pieces… growth and fixed mindsets. For people in a growth mindset, they don’t just take on challenges. They thrive on them. They take on the best of the best because it will make them grow faster and stronger than ever. Whereas fixed mindsets get stuck in their ways. These are the people that you see who fly off the handle when approached with a problem. You know these people. They’re the one’s who are completely inflexible in their ways. Unable to learn or grow, fixed mindsets fall WAY behind. Are you in a growth mindset? Or are you fixed in your ways? Once you’ve gorged yourself and your mindset with Dr. Dweck’s game-changing book, it’s time to throw in the secret spice: The Compound Effect

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

Would you like to be 1000% better than you are right now by the end of 2016? Darren Hardy, the publisher of SUCCESS Magazine, writes about his fascinating and SIMPLE process. Darren has picked the brains of the best and brightest business geniuses of today. We love this book so much, everyone who comes on board at the National Association of Expert Advisor gets a copy. He found they ALL have one surprising thing in common. They all leverage the compound effect in their favor. The compound effect is the reason the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. It's in effect whether you're using it or not. If you’re hungry to achieve more success with the help of Darren Hardy, grab a cup of coffee (and your favorite pastry, who’s to judge?) and dig into the Step-by-Step Guide for Achieving Goals Like Darren Hardy.   After adding making the most of your choices with Darren Hardy, get a scoop of The Goal and toss it in.

 The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eliyahu M. Goldratt

The Goal is written as a fast-paced thriller that embeds solutions to your unconscious mind. A #1 Best Seller on Amazon, “The Goal” has been completely renovating businesses for over 30 years. With the 4nd Edition released in 2014. As Alex fights to change his life, he meets with a professor from Israel that completely rocks his world. Jonah helps him break free from his conventional ways of thinking to see what radical changes he needs to make to drastically change his business and his life. When Alex changes, so do we. Goldratt’s compelling read allows readers to experience their business with a fresh, new vision of the future. The audiobook narration crushes it. It’s the most compelling and engaging way to “read” it. The Goal is super well produced and is like watching your favorite television show.  After achieving the Goal, your mind food wouldn’t be complete without a gold nugget in it. Throw in a pinch of The Richest Man In Babylon.  

The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason

 This is another classic that you absolutely must read…. only if you want REAL financial freedom. There is a reason it’s sold over two million copies. Like The Goal, The Richest Man In Babylon stands apart from the other boring finance books because it’s a parable. You’ll actually enjoy reading this lush story set in the prosperous city of ancient Babylon. You’ll learn: Actually saving your money - and making more

  • How to make money work for YOU, not the other way around.
  • What it takes to attract, and keep, lady luck in your business this year  
  • A practical and repeatedly successful formula for getting out of debt

Now that you’ve marinated on Babylon, it’s time to turn on in the heat with Anthony Robbins’ Awakening the Giant Within.  


Awakening the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny by Tony Robbins


We all have dreams. Dreams of making a difference. Dreams of doing something special.  Sometimes the stress of putting food on the table stops us from realizing them. Tony Robbins has a heartfelt and powerful way of lighting the fire back into those dreams. And, this book get’s results. It’s that simple. We believe in his stuff so much, every Monday morning, our entire team follows his method from Unleash the Power Within to get pumped up. It turns into a dance party. We rock the roof (and the walls) getting amped up to crush our goals. Gotta love Mr. Robbins! But now things are REALLY starting to heat up… so let’s add a pinch of curiosity to simmer on with Change Your Questions, Change Your Life.  

Change Your Questions, Change Your Life: 10 Powerful Tools for Life and Work by Marilee Adams

What if one question could change your life? Questions are the foundation for everything we do. They inform how we behave, how we think and how we relate to each other. Presented in a parable, Adams presents 12 profound questions to shift your thinking and change your life. We love this book because it’s easy to digest and quickly shifts your mindset. After letting your questions boil for awhile, it’s time to crank the heat up again with Scaling Up.  


Scaling Up by Verne Harnish

Business is ultimately about freedom. Would you follow the advice of a book that won an award. What about 2? Or 3? Get this. Scaling Up was the winner of (drum roll please) 6 awards in 2015. Our elite coaching clients level UP with this powerful book.  If you’re looking for practical tools to build a business that will CRUSH 2016, this is your book. These approaches have been refined from the hands of thousands of CEO’s. Highlights: “Scaling Up” includes a strategic planning worksheet and the Rockefeller Habits Checklist. More than 40, 000 firms around the WORLD use this to scale their companies successfully. Many to $1 Billion and beyond. After you’ve scaled up, average agents might be thinking, this has been brewing for long enough. But not you. You’re not satisfied with just okay. You’re ready to stir in some Relentless.


Relentless by Tim Grover

Tim Grover has taken the greats and made them greater. From Michael Jordan to Kobe Bryant and Dwayne Wade. He questions, "Are you addicted to working hard, or are you addicted to results?” When you’re reading this book, it’s like Tim Grover is speaking directly to you. It’s like getting hours of one-on-one coaching with Kobe Bryant’s personal mental coach. Quitting has become an epidemic in this country. But not for you. You’re ready to be relentless. This book will light a fire in your belly and get you moving like Michael Jordan. You’ve finished cooking the first part the recipe. Congratulations! Time to conjure up a topping for the year with Think and Grow Rich.    


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

There’s a reason Napoleon Hill’s book is still at the top for over 79 years. Think and Grow Rich has sold over 7 million copies! It took Hill over a quarter of a century to gather the principals of success from the world’s richest tycoons of the generation. If you’re serious about wealth, then put Think and Grow Rich in your library. It’s on ours. All kinds of new possibilities open up with a slather of Think and Grow Rich… how about throwing in some spices from a quitter? You read correctly. Quitting packs a powerful punch- when done correctly.   



The Dip by Seth Godin

  It might be time to throw in the towel. Seriously, it might be time to quit. But, it might NOT. Do you know the difference? In this short and to the point book, Seth Godin teaches you how to quit and when to stick with it. Finally, after everything has been cooked, and topped, it’s time for the cherry. The Thank You Economy is the perfect way to end your mind food and start the new year with gratitude.    


The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuk

The Thank You Economy is the next Amazon of marketing. It’s time to go back to the down-to-earth business our great-grandparents knew. You know, when they went to the gas station, got their tanks filled and windows wiped? That kind of service. What we LOVE about this book is that it takes a very human approach to marketing. Then, backs it up by stats and practical advice you can start doing TODAY.           Educating yourself is critical for raising your self-confidence as a business owner. The more you’re worth, the higher the value you bring to the market. When you give more to the market, your income increases. Since you are what you eat, it’s important you’re eating high-quality mind food. The higher quality material you're consuming mentally, the more worth you’re going to bring to the market. Jim Rohn said, “Formal Education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.”


The National Association of Expert Advisors’ 2016 Reading Calendar

  1. January: The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents
  2. February: Mindset
  3. March: The Compound Effect
  4. April: The Goal
  5. May: The Richest Man In Babylon
  6. June: Awakening the Giant Within
  7. July:  Change Your Questions, Change Your Life
  8. August: Scaling Up
  9. September: Relentless
  10. October: Think and Grow Rich
  11. November: The Dip
  12. December: The Thank You Economy
One of the fastest ways to educate yourself is with a personal coach. It’s one thing to read a book; it’s another thing to apply it to your business with 1-on-1 instruction, training, and accountability. Coaches help you LIVE the material. Organizations with coaches have 60% more revenue than the competition, according to Forbes. Our elite coaching clients are the top agents in the country. Our agent’s average salary is over $800, 000 in GCI a year. We want you to achieve the next level of success.